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1 posted on 03/06/2015 5:21:20 AM PST by IBD editorial writer
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To: IBD editorial writer

It matters not what the People want.

Only what the EXEMPT deem for them, as they
serve the EXEMPT as slaves,
and now organ donors.

2 posted on 03/06/2015 5:23:58 AM PST by Diogenesis ("When a crime is unpunished, the world is unbalanced.")
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To: IBD editorial writer

My ObamaCare subsidy isn't big enough. I want 100% free helfcare!

3 posted on 03/06/2015 5:25:29 AM PST by SkyPilot ("I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6)
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To: IBD editorial writer

Democrats don’t need anyone to agree with any of their policies; they just need votes. They can get that by a coalition of manufactured, imported and knee-jerk voters.

4 posted on 03/06/2015 5:26:38 AM PST by rightwingcrazy
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To: IBD editorial writer

Yes, but how many of those want to replace it with single payer?

6 posted on 03/06/2015 5:30:24 AM PST by Buckeye McFrog
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To: IBD editorial writer


It is not what the Citizen wants.

The Citizen must move over for the illegals to come in

The Citizen must move into the shadow and shut the hell up.

The King and his GOPe and Democrat minions have spoken

not one iota of sarcasm, Citizen

8 posted on 03/06/2015 5:46:03 AM PST by eartick (Been to the line in the sand and liked it)
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To: IBD editorial writer

I’ll bet. They now face fines. Not to mention being hounded by the IRS.

10 posted on 03/06/2015 6:37:16 AM PST by Georgia Girl 2 (The only purpose o f a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped.)
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To: IBD editorial writer

“the Uninsured” - who is this?

Is this the group of people that never had insurance, didn’t want it or need it?

Is this the group of people that wanted it but couldn’t afford it and STILL can’t afford it?

Or is this the group that was the actual target of Obamacare? The people that were responsible, had their own insurance, but then lost it as a result of Obamacare.

12 posted on 03/06/2015 6:40:45 AM PST by MrB (The difference between a Humanist and a Satanist - the latter admits whom he's working for)
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To: IBD editorial writer

Maybe this is because Obamacare isn’t affordable and it isn’t healthcare.

13 posted on 03/06/2015 6:46:51 AM PST by Moonman62 (The US has become a government with a country, rather than a country with a government.)
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To: IBD editorial writer

The healthy uninsured low net worth individuals don’t want to be forced to buy something that they don’t need.

If they get really sick, the healthy uninsured, low net worth individuals can count on Medicaid and bankruptcy, so they have de facto catastrophic insurance. The high deductibles make any insurance coverage meaningless because the high deductibles are in fact financially catastrophic for a low net worth, low income person. So these people are paying for something that they really cannot use- what a waste. Moreover, because they are in an insurance plan, these individuals lose the right to directly negotiate with an in network provider for better rates for routine services or less expensive options that insurance may not considered covered which therefore are not applicable to the deductible. If they go to an out of network provider for less expensive routine services, these expenditures will typically not be counted towards their deductible.

Providers also realize that people with high deductible 0-care plans are poor credit risks because it’s the people with lower incomes that will typically need to select high deductible plans because that’s all they can afford. They are also more likely to not keep up with the insurance payments and lose their coverage because of lower disposable income. Providers know that if these people stop their insurance payments, the insurance company will not notify the provider for up to 60 days, forcing the provider to collect for unpaid services on a poor credit risk. Collection efforts are expensive (50%)and poor risk patients usually don’t pay. Not a good situation when reimbursement rates result in low margins. This has forced providers to ask to the money up front or refuse acceptance of 0-care patients. Hence the access difficulties.

14 posted on 03/06/2015 7:52:57 AM PST by grumpygresh (Democrats & GOPe delenda est. President zero gave us patient zero.)
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To: IBD editorial writer
Oh, what, nobody is happy with this pile of horse crap?

Every appointment I go to now, it's a gamble what will get paid and what won't.

Took my daughter to the dermatologist for a wart. The doctor sprayed it and lanced it. Gave a RX for some special cream.

Did you know freezing a wart is surgery? One they accept $90 from the insurance company to perform?

Did you also know taking a blade and shaving a wart is also surgery? Albeit, a 10 second surgery but surgery as well. This was a $69 charge the insurance company wouldn't pay.

Then, I had to send away to some pharmacy on the east coast to get the cream for a reduced rate of $35. But, they had to turn it into the insurance company for it to be rejected in order to allow me to use that pharmacy because I guess the cream was about $300. Not even sure how that worked.

Plus, I paid a $50 co-pay.

All and all, one wart appointment was $244. Ofcourse, I never paid the $69, I had a few choice words for them on that and they magically discovered it was coded wrong and I never heard about it again.I am sure that phone call went in my "file". (:

Prior to this bad dream, I went on a visit like this, paid a $15 co-pay and never thought about it again. This is a frikking nightmare.

16 posted on 03/06/2015 2:01:02 PM PST by riri (Obama's Amerika--Not a fun place.)
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