Lately, my primary doctor has been asking me a lot of questions he never would have before. First, it was whether I owned any firearms. Last appointment, he asked if I was “feeling blue” or something. I thought at first it was just innocent chatter, but now I suspect doctors are being required to gather information for the feds who intend to use that information for nefarious maybe declaring certain “undesirables” as mentally ill and in need of institutionalization.
President Obama is using the national debate over gun violence to push for further action on his health care law, including insisting on the kind of mental health coverage states must provide under their Medicaid programs. Mr. Obama, unveiling his gun proposals Wednesday barely a month after the deadly school shooting in Newtown, Conn., will make it clear that his health law, known as the Affordable Care Act, allows doctors to ask patients whether they have guns in their homes, and will tell them they are able to report any threats of violence they hear to police. - See more at:
I tell them they are violating my privacy when they ask government spy questions. I have no problem lying to them in these situations either.
Same thing here in Maine. Not only my primary but hospitals and specialists as well. Always answer in the negative with a shoulder shrug. No details.
My firearms own me. At least that's what they've been telling me.