When they hauled it up from the bottom, it looked like a pile of junk. Hard to believe the surf could do that much damage to an intact aircraft.
Even more than that. The surf supposedly washed up a door painted with “Makani Kai Air” - on the far northEAST corner of Molokai.... but ALSO washed up part of the cargo pod on the very SOUTHMOST point of Molokai. Funny surf right there. It held the plane itself on the shelf close to shore and yet pushed plane parts north AND east AND south AND west...
My apologies for the q/g mess. I’m at work so I’m in a hurry and haven’t been taking the time to patch in the “g” on my hurried posts, since that key is broken. I have a new OS as well and it’s a steep learning curve.
The salvage operator said that when they viewed the sunken plane several days before the recovery it was fairly intact but it was destroyed on the rocky bottom after a serious swell.