You notice how they play these stupid games. Of course he is gay. But the American public is not supposed to know. Like with Shepard Smith. Or so many other MSM talking heads.
Then if they “come out” (i.e. be a little bit truthful about themselves) it is praised as an act of courage, a great achievement, something to celebrate, etc.
I remember way back..during the 2000 mess in Florida, when he was briefly arrested because hit an NBC reporterette who was trying to hold a parking space..It was the highlight of his career..
If they are so damn ‘PROUD’ of their perversion, then why hide it behind a screen of disingenuous hetero facade?.....ABC probably wants him to play the part of a hetero news anchor to save them from the possible ratings fallout. Let him play the straight man until it’s ‘safe’ for him to come out............