All he has to do is get in front of a teleprompter ever so often to earn his keep with his puppet masters and he can continue doing the things he enjoys the most.
Zero is no different than most of Congress....”Cock-ran” for instance. He has no idea what he is doing. His staff tells him how to vote after The Party has told them how to vote. Zero is only a figurehead and he does what he is told. He has no mind of his own, it is owned by The Man Behind The Curtain.....or woman in Zero’s case. The plan has been in the works for decades and there is no way they are going to stop now. It is a perfect storm of a POS who can not be criticized, a MSM who makes sure of that, an opposition party who has been bought and paid for and who loves power as much as the party in power. BOTH parties are the is a perfect storm that has been brewing for half a century!