[ I do not understand why someone would want to change their hair color or get implants or piercings. The artificiality of people is annoying. ]
As biotechnology advances it will only get worse you know. The ability to “print” an entirely new body will cause all sorts of weird stuff to come down the pipe...
Well, as long as the printed body is natural and all that.
I wouldn’t mind buying a younger body but I am probably going to need the Lay-Away Plan on that. lol
A woman who lives in my town is related to a very, very famous comedian. She was a stunningly beautiful blond with long hair. I saw her a month ago, and she’d stopped coloring her hair. She’s prematurely gray, like Emmy Lou. She’s more beautiful now then she was as a blond! And she really stands out from the crowd! Yowza!
I went gray when I was just 25. It was devastating to me. I was suddenly old even as my friends were still young. Hair dye saved me.
It may have been shallow, but appearance is reality in so much of life.
20 years later, I still feel young. I have no apologies for dying my hair.