I do too..... but if she does come out in favor or pro-life EVEN though she was conceived in a rape against her mother, the pro-abortion gestapo will savagely attack her and her mother, and she will likely have her crown taken from her. Remember there are 2 sacred cows to the left wing zealots & gestapo, and that is radical embracing of homosexuality/lesbianism and secondly the desire to kill & abort as many babies as possible. Any public stand against either of these sacred left-wing fetishes, will result in her being vilified & attacked for life.
Personally I don't see her embracing a pro-life position at all for these very reasons.
She IS a walking pro life advocate. That is the point.
Activists don’t do half the work of living, wonderful people who were conceived by rape.
The same with the newest ultrasound machines.
Talk is cheap.