I always thought there should be a multiplying factor to the Drake equation, whose value is 1 or 0. And the factor is if God wanted their to be life elsewhere. 1 if yes, 0 if no.
I was somewhat impressed with the Drake Equation — until I learned that he was just one of Sagan’s cronies.
“I always thought there should be a multiplying factor to the Drake equation, whose value is 1 or 0. And the factor is if God wanted their to be life elsewhere. 1 if yes, 0 if no.”
Warning this is a rant. Read at your own risk.
You have been warned!
The Drake Equation is basically nonsense. Without actual knowledge of the probabilities of life - from an evolutionary perspective - it is simply garbage in and garbage out. It is actually an example of a logical fallacy because it is a false comparison. It does not mater how many stars there are or how many of them have planets. Yes, on one level it might even be truth but we have data to determine that level.
A+B=C but only when “A”,”B” &”C” have definitions beyond the literal phonetic because combining the “AHHH” or “AAAAE” sound with the “BEE” sound does not yield a “Cha” sound