If you dont accurately understand the problem, you are powerless to attempt to fix it.
...and while we’re on the subject of not accurately understanding things, you fail to grasp the obvious distinction between the specific protections of the First Amendment, and the vastly broader brush of ‘free speech’ in a supposedly free society...
And while the dolphins don’t “have to” employ Don Jones, bakeries do “have to” bake cakes with two grooms.
Funny thing, huh?
“...and while were on the subject of not accurately understanding things, you fail to grasp the obvious distinction between the specific protections of the First Amendment, and the vastly broader brush of free speech in a supposedly free society...”
If you’re so brilliant, why not enlighten me. Because I was taught that the 1st amendment was meant as a limit on the government. So that the government wouldn’t jail people, or journalists for what they say or write.
So, how do you translate this limit on governmental power to private corporations? And, assuming you want to allow the camel to get it’s nose under the tent in that case, how far are you willing to let it go? Because as we all know, give the government an inch and a mile will be taken.