I suggested BB and tried to explain how she'd marvel that a HS Chemistry teacher (a step beyond Malcom’s dad, BTW) could transform from that stereotyped chrysalis into a full blown Monarch Butterfly criminal so wonderfully. So much so that the comparison of his visage scowl with the short brimmed hat and mustachioed goatee with his former High School Chem teacher or Malcolm in the Middle dad is a sight to see.
I have not seen Breaking Bad, but I recently read that Anthony Hopkins sat down and wrote that guy a letter telling him it was the best acting he had ever seen.
I have to say that I was not as impressed by BB as some people seem to be. I am convinced that the program was intended to be a black comedy at first, then morphed into the tangled soap opera it became. But I will credit the creative team with inventing some memorable stories and characters. And Walt alternated between being a sympathetic soul and a total b_stard.