The suicide rate by the elderly is high.
I agree with Anne.
I was at the doctor's office. EVERYONE was staring at their tiny screen with just their thumbs moving. Yup,robots.
I brought a book. I feel so dated.
I think this computerized age is hard on the old timers. I know it's difficult for me.
Cellphones should never been allowed to go further than being a phone.
Muslims are frustrated with modern life . . . just sayin’
With any luck all of the liberal professors will follow suit.
Successful social interaction seems to require a level of courage nowadays. The trend away from social interaction suggests a general lack of courage. Apparently, courage is “not cool”. If it’s true that it takes so much courage to successfully interact (even in your own hometown), then something has gone wrong...very wrong.
frustration with modern life
Ho could have moved to a muslim country and lived in the dark ages.
My mom just turned 90 and has made many transitions throughout her life to keep up with the rest of the World. She has a computer, smart phone, ipad and uses them to communicate with all of her family, friends and former 1st grade students. She taught her students to keep learning throughout their lives.
I’m 64 and the wife is near 60. We laugh at the young’uns and their fixations with their cellphones, but we’re certainly not against new technology. The internet is a great thing whether many misuse it or not. The internet has helped many conservatives ally against the leftist threat. The internet (and FOX News and conservative talk radio) has done great work informing conservatives and combating the leftist fungus that is destroying this country.
... as she marched off to the suicide resort like a good little post-modern Euron.
Seriously, 89 years old, no health issues of note, an appreciation of art and beauty, and she has herself killed because of modernity?
Considering the direction our society appears to be headed, being cut-off from humanity might be somewhat desirable. At least to me. I’m quite content whether I’m around folks or not. Well, I shouldn’t say that, I’m content around like-minded folks or by myself. When I’m around illogical, irrational lib-tards who demonstrate a complete lack of common sense, I find myself longing for as much solitude as I can get.
Here’s one of the many lessons I learned from my wise mentors: If you aren’t having a good time, don’t just sit there — *DO* something about it! Ms. “Anne” could have found some like-minded company. The world is full of all kinds. The only thing between her and a happier life was air & opportunity. She chose the lazy way out. May GOD have mercy on her soul.
A mysanthrope with conviction.