To: smokingfrog
2 posted on
03/16/2014 4:19:46 PM PDT by
To: smokingfrog
I am presently looking through my tackle box. I have a few lures given to me by some old codgers through the years.
Who knows, maybe I even have a paid fishing trip or two to places I have always wanted to fish at in it.
3 posted on
03/16/2014 4:22:00 PM PDT by
(I'm just a Christian waiting to go home)
To: smokingfrog
Heddon even had a delivery truck.
5 posted on
03/16/2014 4:24:11 PM PDT by
To: smokingfrog
I once saw a list in Outdoor Life, of the world’s most popular lures.
The only one I remember was the Mepps Spinner, made in France was number 1.
8 posted on
03/16/2014 4:32:10 PM PDT by
(Romans 8: verses 38 and 39. "For I am persuaded".)
To: smokingfrog
Lucky 13 and Torpedo are still being manufactured today. I caught more big bass on the frog pattern Lucky 13 than any other lure. Lost the last one fishing for striped bass on Lake Travis.
10 posted on
03/16/2014 4:35:59 PM PDT by
(The Second Amendment is NOT about the right to hunt. It IS a right to shoot tyrants.)
To: smokingfrog
I've got a tackle box filled with old lures that were owned by my dad and grandfather........
I'll have to pull them out and see if they're worth anything.......
15 posted on
03/16/2014 5:06:04 PM PDT by
Hot Tabasco
(Was Occam's razor made by Gillette?)
To: smokingfrog
To: smokingfrog
Who made the Jitterbug? My uncle caught lots of lunker bass with that one.
17 posted on
03/16/2014 7:41:23 PM PDT by
("In the modern world, Muslims are living fossils.")
To: smokingfrog
I don’t know about any lures, but I do have a number of my Dad’s old Mitchell 302 salt water spinning reels.
21 posted on
03/17/2014 4:56:03 AM PDT by
(Join the Navy and see the world.....77% of which is covered in water.)
To: smokingfrog
Wow, the 1894 version of Duck Dynasty.
22 posted on
03/17/2014 5:00:12 AM PDT by
(Freedom isn't free; nor is it easy. END ALL TOTALITARIAN ACTIVITY NOW.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson