I just checked one of my raised beds this morning and I have potatoes! I’d planted 3 or 4lbs of organic potatoes that were sprouting in my pantry. And 2 days later the overnight forecast for 30F turned into 22F instead. Aie. I’d figured they were goners. Not so fast. I probably lost a few of them though but it’s not a total loss. And the red fingerlings I planted have dark reddish looking leaves. I’m excited!
Ok, I got them out of the pantry and where one growth came out, it's got gobs of shoots off it. There are two of those on each potato and one separate growth on each.
I assume I whack off a piece of potato with each big growth and a piece with each single growth and plant them, covering them up? I've already got a 10 gallon fiber grow bag with potting soil mix in it in the net room that would be right for them.