This happened to me.
I was in McDonald’s eating and reading a newspaper. This scummy young person (18) came up and asked for the sport section. I told him no and tried to ignore him. He put his face close to mine, in a very strange manner and said “F*** You.” I grabbed his head and repeatedly pounded it on the table and threw him to the floor. When someone said they were calling the police, he left.
This has happened before where these socialist minded individuals believe averything is to be shared, always at someone else’s expense. May I look at your paper, book, pet your dog, have some of your food, give me a ride, some money, etc. They feel justified just as others feel justified reaching into your pocket for taxes to support this or that cause. Sadly I cannot bang their face on the table.
“Sadly I cannot bang their face on the table.”
Yep. But wouldn’t it be a better world if you could.
When I was young, I was always happy and smiling, and a mark for these kinds of misfits.
Over the years I became hardened through life experiences I am not going to share on an Internet forum. Consequently, my demeanor reflects my attitude, and these folks tend to avoid me.
LOL!! I’d pay to see that, and pay for your food, too!