The fact is after the birth the baby is a patient of the hospital and will need his/her own doctor. Some people are just jerks. Would he rather the hospital put a joeschmo incompetent boob pediatrician on his case without getting a say so?
That sounds so weird to me, because it would have been unheard of when I had my kid-It really sounds like a CYA legally by the hospital to have the baby with his/her own doctor when he/she is barely born, but what isn’t these days? The Edwards wannabees make everything a hassle, even a happy event like birth-it sounds more like the aftermath of a workers comp injury...
Good point.
All hospitals have on-call docs for every service and every doc who sees patients in a given hospital puts in time on the calendar to be the on-call. So there is always a doc who sees children on call, whether its a GP, FP, or someone who really knows pediatrics.