It pained me to see the ignorance along with the attempts to smear, minimize and diminish all things about the Palin family in lurker's original post.
That so called conservatives actually believe the spin of the democrat/media complex, that they still jump to attacking the Palin family based on straws and myths is beyond me. Lurker, you should be mortified (pun, and yes you eventually were MORTified) by your original post......
God bless and keep you all.
I’ve been a solid Palin supporter back to 2007—she was my VP pick before she was McCain’s. She and Cruz are the two pols I trust most today.
But I haven’t had my mind filled with simple Democrat rhetoric. I have my own opinions, thank you.
I disagreed with Palin on illegal immigration until she finally broke free of the McCain position this past year. Truly, I can’t name any issue I now disagree with her on.
I do wish she’d have been more inclined to some sort of bookish think-tank policy study, rather than starring in reality TV shows, and I don’t think her daughters’ pursuit of reality TV and tabloid coverage has helped either.
I’m not Sarah Palin and I will never succeed in contributing a fraction of what she’s already done for politics in our country.
But Bristol’s tut-tutting here made me wince: I already articulated why.