Yeah, I did check ANY dictionary...The very FIRST one I came to -- found here says:
Mass also mass (ms)
a. Public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches.
b. The sacrament of the Eucharist.
2. A musical setting of certain parts of the Mass, especially the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.
THEN IT SAYS -- and note:
[Middle English MASSE, from Old English mæsse, from Vulgar Latin *messa, from Late Latin missa, from Latin, feminine past participle of mittere, to SEND away, dismiss.]
Old English derived this from vulgar Latin -- did you not know Nifster that Roman's legions at one time inhabited parts of the UK -- and that the Latin stuck around?
AND since the words you sight actually refer to the DISMISSAL from the service (i.e. go .not sent) the meaning came to be about going forth and carrying the message. You are clueless. But thats okay. I have come to expect that from your posts
In addition to what it says above: "Vulgar Latin *messa, from Late Latin missa, from Latin, feminine past participle of mittere, to send away, dismiss" -- I then looked up a hard copy Chambers-Murray Latin-English Dictionary I have:
Latin words like missicius = discharged from ...
Similar Latin words like missus and missio [where we get "mission" from] = "letting go".
And then you get the near-same meaning with a Latin word like missito = "to SEND repeatedly."
Missito, missio, mission, missionary...all the same -- letting go/sending.
As all indicated above -- "disMISS" is a good summation. The Son of God was dismissed from heaven, and He "let go" of the rights and fully revealed glory He had. The more literal New American Standard version of Philippians 2:6-7 says this nicely:
6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be GRASPED, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.
The Son of God didn't "GRASP" His "equality with God" -- He "let go" ... ["let go" is found in the Latin words missio, missio, and mitto -- mitto being a derivative of mittere -- the word cited above]
But, hey, I appreciate this opportunity to focus on the incarnational portion of the Gospel:
The Son of God didn't grasp equality with God -- He let go. Instead, He was disMISSed from Heaven -- SENT away from there to earth -- in servant form in the form of the Christ child, whom we worship -- whether Catholics do that at "Mass" or at ChristMAS.
(i.e. go .not sent)
(Yeah, we know, you have an earth-centric focus vs. a heaven-centric focus...but the Son of God was SENT from heaven -- NOT from earth. He was gone from heaven for those 33 years.)
It’s a Good Thing (thanks, Martha) that MORMONs merely have to pass JS’s muster and not BY’s!!!