The America of the 1940s and 1950s saw most people believe in the bedrock of the society they had built - marriage, family, schools, government. Only those considered on the outside (communists, descendents of WWII opponents) had our suspicion.
Today, these bedrock elements have been largely destroyed and the communists run our country. When presidents make promises they knew they couldn’t keep, they really have no place to stand when they criticize people who mistrust government.
I think the proliferation of crime television also hurts our trust factor in our fellow man.
Recognition of God tended to be far more lukewarm than it had to be. That’s my $0.02 worth of observation. Enthusiasm was not a thing for polite churches to have. That was considered fringe behavior, not worthy of Mr. and Mrs. Average.
I think that now the norms have fallen by the boards, there is now an opportunity for evangelical faith to reappear without those traditional shames. If Mr. and Mrs. Average shout hallelujahs all day long, who’s going to think it so odd any more when America won’t even think it’s odd to have two daddies?