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To: reformedliberal

Excellent points and questions - and they deserve to be investigated and answered. But who could we trust to do it? This government is totally compromised.

A question that popped into my head: If it is true that these fired military high-ups had really high security clearances, what are the odds that the military would dump them for using fake poker chips?

317 posted on 11/22/2013 9:19:51 AM PST by butterdezillion (Free online faxing at Fax all your elected officials. Make DC listen.)
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To: butterdezillion

I’ve thought about that. Surely, after having every orifice probed many times and in many different ways over the past 40 years or so of service, they would have been weeded out by now for GAMBLING?

320 posted on 11/22/2013 9:23:45 AM PST by Black Agnes
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To: butterdezillion

Exactly. They weren’t going along with something this Administration was planning.

321 posted on 11/22/2013 9:24:52 AM PST by machogirl (First they came for my tagline)
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To: butterdezillion
A question that popped into my head: If it is true that these fired military high-ups had really high security clearances, what are the odds that the military would dump them for using fake poker chips?

It was the civil law enforcement authorities that brought this to the attention of the military. He's accused of using $1500 worth of fake chips at a casino in Iowa. That's a felony. He made good on the $1500 and because of that, as well as who he is and his lack of a record, the civil authorities dropped charges and turned it over to the miltiary for action.

So you tell me. What do you do with a senior officer who apparently like ripping off casinos? Just let it slide?

323 posted on 11/22/2013 9:37:00 AM PST by DoodleDawg
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To: butterdezillion

It is the MO of the left to encourage all sorts of vice and then use that as leverage to control the upstarts. Maybe they even planted the chips. Maybe the officer really was into a scam, laundering fake chips for money.

Doesn’t matter. If not the chips, then booze or drugs or promiscuity or kinkiness or porn or some tax evasion or development deal. If not on the officers’ part, then their wives, kids, siblings, parents. The goal was/is always to neutralize dissent.

I really want to know if a nuke detonated at depth in the ocean would produce only a 4.5 (or whatever) seismic event. That is the hardest bit of evidence in all this. The Chinese, Russian and Euro earthquake monitors picked it up and reported it as a detonation. I understand the signature differences between natural and nuclear events are obvious to someone trained. I doubt this was just propaganda on the part of the foreign monitors.

337 posted on 11/22/2013 10:16:52 AM PST by reformedliberal
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