“And then there are the senseless extremes of politically correct, anti-gun hysteria, in which schoolchildren all over the country are being suspended, labeled a terrorist threat, and even required to undergo psychiatric evaluation not for bringing weapons to school, but for even pretending to play with guns or gesturing like a gun with index finger and thumb. One seven-year-old was suspended because he accidentally shaped a breakfast pastry to resemble a gun, according to his teacher, who was literally reduced to tears by the trauma. “
I took one of my grandsons to Lexington,MA a few years ago. We were in the gift shop and a little boy picked up one of the toy muskets that were for sale. The father went NUTS !!!!
My generation were children in WWII-—all we did was “shoot” each other,drop bombs,throw grenades etc. We turned out just fine.
With everyone being turned into a marshmellow, one wonders what will happen when the time comes for a need for warriors to defend our country.
I’d like to see an educational institution I’ll call “Manup.” It would teach kids Judo, hiking, camping, hunting and above all make them conscious of liberal attempts to train their independence and aggression out of them. (Oh, they’d play dodge ball, football,base ball and (here’s the horrifying part) KEEP SCORE!)
I think I remember playing tag in the school playground. Sometimes we just touched the other guy, but sometimes, if we were in the mood, we’d trip him up. And that turned into “I’ll get back at him!”
The good thing is that you learned to roll when you unexpectedly fell, and that has served me well in later life.
I did this exact same thing and all the teacher did was to examine my head and say, "looks like you have quite a bump there, young man!" and that was the end of it. We also road in the backs of pickups and in cars without seat belts. Wonder how we made it to adulthood?
One of those ‘Internet lists’ circulates occasionally about surviving as kid in the 1950s.
Those kinds of lists are pretty interesting and those of us in that age group know what they are talking about.
We’ve raised at least 3 already.
Don’t forget fags in the military and gender neutral uniforms.
I long for the pre-Tailhook years!
I agree, we are crippling our children. They will be totally unable to handle life. In trying to help, we are destroying them. We coddle their bodies, we make them dependent and unable to deal with the hardships that life sends their way.
No, a generation of wimps is raising a generation of totally clueless pussies.
Our playground was hard-packed Pennsylvania clay, though most of the time we were running around in the woods. You know, swinging on vines that more often than not broke dropping us (if we were lucky) into a creek, or onto exposed shale...
Other toys? Anything round, any kind of ball be it baseball, football, kickball... My friends and I would make up some game that involved possessing and moving the ball amid tackling and running... Pads? Never wore them. Helmets? Not until I started riding - a motorcycle.
I survived with all my parts intact. Yes there were a couple of trips to docs for strained this, dislocated that... It happened to all of us. Builds character. Without it, the author is right - builds wimps.
These foam and blow-up plastic playgrounds are harboring zillions & quadrillions of bacteria of all kinds. The blow-up slides, etc. are blown up, scads of kids play on them; then they’re deflated, stored, taken out again and rented out the next time - and repeat until they, thankfully, wear out. I doubt they’re ever cleaned adequately.
Trouble is these wimps grow up to be lawyers. Perpetuating the whine.
This is as good an example of how dangerous life used to be, as I have ever seen.
Just look at the first 30 seconds of this 1906 filming of a main street in San Francisco, these are just people in daily life in the city, but it looks like a scene from some kind of futuristic death game to reduce the population.
He answered that kids today are bigger, and would have beaten the crap out of the kids of my day. Yes, they're bigger, I told him -- fatter, softer, and not nearly as mentally tough as we Kentucky farm kids in the 70s, but definitely bigger. He didn't know how to respond, so he changed the subject.
I believe kids are being intentionally wussed out, on purpose, and have been for a couple of decades now. Whether it's being specifically done to weaken us militarily is cause for speculation, but there's no doubt that's what we're headed for.
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!