Charities are hurting big time. There is far more demand for assistance than money coming in. Really, if you have even an extra dollar, how about sending it to your favorite charity? They could use it, plus you'll feel better.
The tradition of charity, of compassion in our country is under attack by the encroachment of government. We have a crisis of compassion based solely on government unconstitutional encroachment into the sacred domain of the private sector.
As government assumes responsibility for the needs of citizens private charity is squeezed out of its purpose for being. Of course government never actually solves social problems. It only worsens them as justification for expanding its budget and range.
Private charity is needed in the face of government interference now more than ever. Government makes a bad situation immeasurably worse as is its intent.
The private charity sector must go to war against government intrusion if community compassion is to survive.
Re: punishing charities
What about healthcare charities? I donate blood regularly and did so yesterday. When they asked if I wish to make my next appointment, I told them that I will probably not donate blood any longer due to government interference in the nation’s healthcare industry. If Obamacare is going to bleed us dry, they can pay for it in the future. I will no longer donate blood until government gets the hell out of my healthcare choices.
You should have seen the liberals’ faces.
There are charities that I still give to...I was thinking more in line with the telemarketer phone banks soliciting for groups like NYPIRG, PETA, etc... although I am very likely to not donate to charities who help potential Obama voter types such as food banks and others for the so-called downtrodden (re: drug addicts, various and sundry loser types, and illegal aliens) and I also include breast cancer in that group because the Komen Foundation forwards a grant to Planned Parenthood.
Nope, I am becoming more and more resentful of the poor. In fact, I detest them down to the last.