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To: ConservativeMan55
Luke Russert @LukeRussert 1m Police securing front, tourists told to run.
2 posted on
10/03/2013 11:24:16 AM PDT by
(In America, we don't do pin pricks. But sometimes we elect them.)
To: ConservativeMan55
Angry lib pissed that his God the Govt is shut down?
To: ConservativeMan55
4 posted on
10/03/2013 11:24:40 AM PDT by
(I could eat it raw, but why do that when I have a fire.)
To: ConservativeMan55
Obama has the Mooching Class convinced that their free government money is at risk.
6 posted on
10/03/2013 11:25:23 AM PDT by
(Obama: What did I not know and when did I not know it?)
To: ConservativeMan55
we’ll get no real news until the MSM figures out how to associate it with a conservative group.
7 posted on
10/03/2013 11:26:26 AM PDT by
Da Coyote
To: ConservativeMan55
That can’t be - DC has some of the most stringent ant-gun laws in the nation.
10 posted on
10/03/2013 11:26:34 AM PDT by
from occupied ga
(Your government is your most dangerous enemy)
To: ConservativeMan55
Harry was suicidal?
Who knew!
< / sarc >
Prayers up.
11 posted on
10/03/2013 11:26:57 AM PDT by
Uncle Miltie
(Need health care? Dial 1-800-F***KYO to reach Obama's hotline)
To: ConservativeMan55
To: ConservativeMan55
Fox News via Gretchen Carlson says the shots were fired outside Capitol. She first announced that the shots were INSIDE Capitol. That was a mistake that she corrected.
To: ConservativeMan55
17 posted on
10/03/2013 11:28:18 AM PDT by
Uncle Miltie
(Need health care? Dial 1-800-F***KYO to reach Obama's hotline)
To: ConservativeMan55
The incendiary language coming out of the democrats was bound to rile up some nut bag.
18 posted on
10/03/2013 11:28:53 AM PDT by
To: ConservativeMan55
I thought the place was closed down? How’s that sniper guy get in there?
22 posted on
10/03/2013 11:29:56 AM PDT by
(A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own.)
To: ConservativeMan55
leftist shooting at a member of Congress?
A New Republic fan maybe?
26 posted on
10/03/2013 11:30:27 AM PDT by
To: ConservativeMan55
Shots fired. Possible evacuation. Is a fire the next step in this game?
28 posted on
10/03/2013 11:31:31 AM PDT by
(Thank you St. Jude!)
To: ConservativeMan55
29 posted on
10/03/2013 11:31:51 AM PDT by
To: ConservativeMan55
Maxine Waters lost one too many screws?
To: ConservativeMan55
it’s washdc. when i lived there, there were 2 murders every day.
new york ave had a car jacking every day
there’s a reason you don’t live inside the beltway
36 posted on
10/03/2013 11:33:22 AM PDT by
(fighting tyranny never goes out of style)
To: ConservativeMan55
(yawn)...when is there NOT gunfire in D.C.? Way back when my 8th. grade class made the bus trip, someone started shooting and they had to hustle all of us inside some restaurant.
To: ConservativeMan55
And just earlier today Harry Reid blocked bills restoring funding to the military reserves and National Guard. It is all Harry Reid’s fault! He is holding the safety of our nation’s capital hostage! (you know Harry would say this about Ted Cruz in a heartbeat)
Are we sure this isn’t just a car backfiring? There are no guns in D.C., after all.
42 posted on
10/03/2013 11:33:59 AM PDT by
(When there are more people riding in the cart than there are pulling it, the cart stops moving...)
To: ConservativeMan55
Wondering if someone will blame a lack of security on the government shutdown? That’s exactly the kind of stuff the Democrats would do....
43 posted on
10/03/2013 11:34:04 AM PDT by
(Really? Syria?)
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