Good morning all. I’ll be in a seminar most of the day, but that’s no excuse for missing your homework.
That said, and with my WFTD word used in a sentence, where da wimmen at?
Congressional stalemates are irksome
The voters expect them to work some
The left won’t give in
Compomise is a sin
We need statesmen like Everett Dirksome
(Yes, I know I spelled his name wrong. Rhymes better my way.)
My near empty firkin, quite thoroughly irksome, gone to free loaders jerksome, friends thirsty and lurksome, to paying they’re not perksome. Good riddance to quirksome, I’m home to sit in mirkdom, old Trek reruns Kirksome, bad guys gone smirksome, duels with monsters armed dirksome.
Her desperate attempts for attention are irksome:;page=1