Back in 1992, Eric Holder's people could go full Knockout King without fear of encountering armed victims.
That is no longer true.
Lock and load.
Any questions?
Yes, I have one.
We have concealed carry in nearly every state, and almost a million people who are considered LEOs.
Why do we still have the knockout game, or flashmobs? (A flashmob is a spontaneously mini-riot now facilitated by Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, something not available in 1992. The world has gotten smaller, and the ability to organize and execute a “raid” with very little notice makes it particularly hard to deter, displace or combat.)
I have worked in dangerous black neighborhoods nearly all my adult life. They don’t care if other people are armed, they don’t care if the police are armed. You are dealing with young men that know they have no real future and many of them considered themselves already dead. You are dealing with a demographic that has been brought up to hate whitey for generations. Those are the most dangerous people to deal with.
Don’t be fooled. They have access to firearms, just not in the number and caliber that folks in the outlying counties do. There are small scale weapons caches all over urban areas, and the absolute worst place to have a fight is in a city.
But if riots go full scale, remember there are plenty of police stations and pawn shops that will provide plenty of firepower, as well as a few national guard armories still located in the urban morass.