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Starting point: POTUS.

--> Friday night. Half a Dogfish Head 90 min IPA mid afternoon, then about 1 1/2 martinis to solidify the moment in the near-past.

--> Recent musings ponder the still-haunting, "Where was POTUS during the Night of the Benghazi?"

--> Available mind focused on exploring recent rumors of pederasty and dopaminergic tweakings.

--> Resultant Googling: "perversions correlation tyrants."

--> This piece of fascinating starting points, for those with nothing else to do this evening.

==> In essence, a vanity. Curious about any insights it sparks.

1 posted on 05/24/2013 7:37:27 PM PDT by dagogo redux
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To: dagogo redux

We do need a Daily WH Thread!

Carney is to Obama what Goebbels was to Hitler: “Minister of Propaganda.”

May I suggest a “Spin Index?”

A Spin Index for a lie that contains the phrase “waiting for all the facts to be gathered” will be rated as a One Goebbels.

A Two Goebbels would be for a lie that contains the phrase “make sure that it never happens again.”

A Three Goebbels would be awarded to a lie that contains the phrase “I don’t know.”

Each time a lie is repeated by the Minister of Propaganda it receives an Oak Cluster.

BTW, the Goebbels Rule is “If a lie is repeated loud enough and often enough, then eventually the people will come to believe it.”

Both Hitler and Obama were/are loud and repetitive orators.

Obamanation would be nothing if US President Valerie Jarrett had not used the Goebbels Rule to perfection.

2 posted on 05/24/2013 7:44:56 PM PDT by Graewoulf (Traitor John Roberts' Commune-Style Obama'care' violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
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To: dagogo redux
Psychopaths are simply people who either have no conscience or simply ignore it.

It can be taught to people.

Our public school system over the last 30 or so years have been doing a great job at producing people who have dulled consciences that can easily slip into psychopathy.

What do we do when an entire group within a presidential administration act as if they have no conscience?

3 posted on 05/24/2013 7:49:31 PM PDT by Slyfox (The red face of shame is proof that the conscience is still operational.)
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To: dagogo redux

Here is my view on the insanity of Obamanation and the sorry RINO response to it:

The key to understanding Obamaspeak is to understand that Obama is self-delusional.

Obama truly believes that reality can be created just by him saying so.

I call these statements Obamalies.

Hence, when Obama wants something to be true, all he has to do is say the words and reality will be created around them.

In this manner Obama is capable of protecting himself from REALITY that you and I recognize, but is unrecognizable to Obama.

On a recent Monday at his presser, Obama shed a rare tear as he momentarily recognized that his reality was not our REALITY.

US President Valerie Jarrett makes sure that Obama always reads from her scripted teleprompter, or sticks to her scripted talking points.

Thus, minimizing Obama’s self-delusional, private outbursts of the warped reality that only Obama knows - - - .


In the failed world of Communism, all functions of a Society are controlled by a Central Government.

Our Central Federal Government has been easily taken over by Obama to the gleeful cheers of MSNBC and others in the Liberal Agenda Media.

This is as good a time as any to take note of those who have willingly enabled the blatant Communist ideas and programs of Obama to take hold in our Central Federal Government.

It is also a good time to take note of the many dictatorial powers that our sorry US Congress from “both” political parties have granted over many decades to the Administration Branch and related Bureaus of our Central Federal Government.

Just to balance our income with our spending, the Central Federal Government must reduce spending by 40 percent.

The longer we wait to “cut our way to prosperity” and repeal and abolish Federal Regulations, the greater our financial debt and less Liberty we will have.

For example, if Central Federal Government Regulations were reduced by 40 percent, our Society would be 40 percent further removed from control by the Central Federal Government.

Currently, there are four, (Benghazi Cowardice, IRS Tyranny, AP-Gate, and Rosen-Gate), major Impeachable Scandals that our sorry RINOs could use to remove Obama from our Central, semi-Communist, Federal Government.

My question is: “Do our sorry Congressional RINOs have the POLITICAL MOTIVATION to Impeach and Remove B. Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, a legal citizen of Indonesia?”


Obama always exposes his fear by accusing others of what he is already doing to them.

Obama knows that that which will undo him is what he should fear the most.

As a smokescreen defense he accuses others of what he is doing, and hopes to put them on defense so that he can continue doing to them what he fears that they will do to him.

For example, we should politicize, demonstrate strong political motivation, speak and behave in the most un-PC manner, bicker, argue, unseal his flunking University grades, place all his staff under oath, place Obama under oath and IMEACH and REMOVE Obama and his Commie pals.

The responsibility of an opposition party is to provide a check and a balance on the other political party.

Hence, it is time for Republicans to shed their sorry RINO skins and have a good old-fashioned, rip-roaring, verbal thrashing of the tyrannical Obamanation.

4 posted on 05/24/2013 7:53:06 PM PDT by Graewoulf (Traitor John Roberts' Commune-Style Obama'care' violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
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To: dagogo redux

Look at the Milgram experiments. The Democrats used a room full of sociologists and psychologists to advise them during the last election. These would be people who were all extremely knowledgeable about the Milgram experiments. The dirty little fascists knew that stuff was dangerous, but used it to win an election.

7 posted on 05/24/2013 7:57:16 PM PDT by blueunicorn6 ("A crack shot and a good dancer")
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To: dagogo redux
I cannot agree with the basic premise of this exercise.As filthy a mass murdering psychopath Hitler was comparing him to Osama Obama is foolish.Osama Obama is a child of,and student of,Communists.We know that both his parents were Communist whores (whores literally and figuratively).We know that his white grandfather who,it's said,had enormous influence over him,was a filthy Communist.We know that Saul Alinsky,the father of the American "community organizer" movement,was a Communist.And we needn't even waste time discussing the political/philosophical orientation of his most recent mentors,Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright.

Comparisons to the likes of Stalin,Mao,Che Guevera are the illustrative ones.Comparisons to Hitler are a waste of time.

8 posted on 05/24/2013 7:58:36 PM PDT by Gay State Conservative (Leno Was Right,They *Are* Undocumented Democrats!)
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To: dagogo redux

and bill oreilly been on all week tryign desperastely to give the president an out - tryign to find an excuse he can tell the president to use to cover his butt- Just heard him give the president props for the president saying that hte reason he ordered phone records of the press was ‘because’ there are still soldiers overseas who ‘might be in harms way’ shoudl hte press get ahold of certain info- Oreilly practically kissed dear leader for finally comign up with an excuse

10 posted on 05/24/2013 8:08:46 PM PDT by CottShop (Scientific belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge)
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To: dagogo redux; Jane Long; All

Thanks for this thread.


HEY, Felecia! Yeah, YOU!

You wrote: “ - - - One method of reliability that might have enhanced the present findings would have been to contact Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers. - - - “

Yah think?

Hitler was as popular in Third Reich Germany as B. Hussein is in Obamanation USA.

Neither tyrant could exist for one minute without “support from the people.”

Fast forward to today and determine who B. Hussein’s sympathizers and deniers are.

Use Chrissy Matthews from MSNBC as your standard of support.

11 posted on 05/24/2013 8:10:19 PM PDT by Graewoulf (Traitor John Roberts' Commune-Style Obama'care' violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
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To: dagogo redux; All

It’s Memorial Day Weekend so my wishes for everyone to have a Happy Holiday go out.

The evil in man is not something that can be eliminated. It is controlled. It is subdued.

It would therefore seem that a society that tolerates more evil, gets more evil.

12 posted on 05/24/2013 8:11:07 PM PDT by UCANSEE2 (The monsters are due on Maple Street)
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To: dagogo redux
I'm reading the transcripts of Hitler's conferences with his generals. Big ego, and he was bats**t loony.
16 posted on 05/24/2013 8:32:25 PM PDT by ArmstedFragg (hoaxy dopey changey)
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To: dagogo redux

No one will ever understand Hitler, IMO.

Obama, on the other hand, is fairly simple - he’s nothing more nor less than an intellectually mediocre, addled clown with delusions of grandeur.

20 posted on 05/25/2013 1:18:46 AM PDT by Jack Hammer (American)
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To: dagogo redux
I realize receiving a letter from a time traveler can be confusing, and you may believe this is some kind of a prank. To verify my time-traveling skills, I have enclosed within this envelope a tuft of white hair from a man of African descent. It is yours and it’s from the floor of your favorite barbershop ten years from now, by which point you will appear to be much older than 61. Please have it carbon-dated after verifying the DNA. Shocking, yes?

I’m here to tell you something. In short: I am impressed.

As a propagandist, you have achieved everything I set out to do. You soared to victory this week like a Bundesadler in a Leni Riefenstahl film. I’m amazed der Juden and der junge are so devoted to your cause, as it seems you are determined to extinguish both. But what really impresses me is the blind faith with which more than half of America follows you. These are people who couldn’t care less about politics, yet somehow they are in a trance. Why? Because you promised them you care. Amazing. An entire generation of young men stand proudly behind you simply because you play basketball. And you’re not even good at it!

“You made politics about pop culture and fashion, and now the Dumb Community worships you.”

In New York, an American state that hasn’t voted for a Republican presidential candidate in almost 30 years, people flocked to the polls and insisted their friends do the same. I saw them tell their friends they felt “empowered” and that they were “real, true Americans.” When you won, New Yorkers all over the city cheered with glee despite having no idea about your policies. I asked many of them to distinguish between your opponent’s healthcare program and yours, and they had no idea. All they knew was their vote “made a difference” and “that’s what counts.” These are people with the math skills of a 12-year-old. You made an entire nation love you merely because you were black while claiming you were hated for precisely that reason. You are the most brilliant Negro I have ever seen.

After all but allowing an attack on your Libyan consulate you sent out a spokesperson denying such an event existed, and it worked. Instead of talking to world leaders you go on women’s talk shows. When unemployment soars, you say it would have gone much higher without you. You kill the space program and devote the resources to making Muslims feel better about themselves. MUSLIMS!? Isn’t America at war with a great number of them? You tell those disgusting Zionists to go back to the borders of nearly half a century ago and when they protest, you add that they must leave Iran alone. (This was my favorite part, BTW—I must have gone back and watched this 100 times.)

You convinced antiwar liberals that it’s OK to extend the Patriot Act AND do warrantless spying AND create a “kill list” AND conduct drone wars AND send a massive surge of new troops to Afghanistan AND keep Guantanamo despite promising the opposite. Then your propaganda machine convinces the country it’s your opponent who is the warmonger.

When you dig the deepest debt any president ever has, you say it had to be done. The nation’s young people will inherit this debt but you’ve convinced them that they don’t need to care. I’m about to go back in time and kill my kids, but you make me feel like a pussy. Imagine the Schadenfreude I feel when I hear adolescents call someone with twice as many Harvard degrees as you “stupid.” You control more young minds than that Ronald McDonald character.

You have somehow convinced the Obama Youth any fact that is “divisive” (I love that word) is not worth knowing. If someone points out a failure, you blame the previous administration, and 50% of the voters blindly agree. You made politics about pop culture and fashion, and now the Dumb Community worships you. You’ve convinced the nation that begot “Don’t Tread on Me” that it needs a government that “cares about them.” Amazing. You’ve turned them into dependent infants.

I haven’t seen propaganda this effective since Roosevelt. He managed to convince post-Depression America that it was the government’s job to make things right. Roosevelt instilled in the lower classes a permanent reliance on government that persists today and will go well past the Second Civil War of 2030.

Fox News appears to be the only one asking questions, but only old people are watching and they will all die shortly. Old people ask too many questions.

This is why I killed Andrew Breitbart. I had seen him pollute the populace like a virus. The most important part of good propaganda is not caring about the truth. I am still worried about this group who call themselves libertarians. Like Andrew, they seem open to debate and have no allegiance to anyone. Though they scoffed at your National Socialism, they also objected to your opponent’s foreign policy and the prohibition of drugs. This is dangerous because where there is loyalty to truth, there is no loyalty to leaders. However, I think it’s this lack of loyalty to one group that will be the libertarians’ downfall.

Your acceptance speech reminded me of all my hard work and I felt proud. After the Depression and before the war, I told a room full of fans, “This nation will again start making history.” Imagine the joy I felt when, 80 years later, I heard you say, “We have fought our way back and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America the best is yet to come.”

The masses are dumb, uneducated fools who can’t think for themselves. They need the government to solve their problems. They need a fascist dictatorship where one great leader chooses who will run the economy.

You are the black eagle on my coat of arms and the only negative thing I could possibly say is that you make me feel slightly inferior. On that note, I am off to kill my family. Watch out for those libertarians and keep up the good fight. Auf Wiedersehen und Gute Nacht!

—Dr. Joseph Goebbels

Found at Taki's Magazine: Dear Barack Obama (A Letter From Joseph Goebbels)

by Gavin McInnes

21 posted on 05/25/2013 1:44:26 AM PDT by Daffynition (Stand Your Ground)
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