Thanks for the replies.
Yes, its a trailer. Sorry about that.
These are great posts, you cannot imagine how much I appreciate the feedback. Even the funny stuff.
The the Five-Star folks, I just got my lifetime GOLD Marriott Rewards level. It IS possible to get sick of staying in nice hotels—when you do it three nights a week for years.
It is a Cougar Super Lite. I got it new. Not gonna tell you what I paid because I am still happy and don’t want to find out this newbie got ripped off!
The lot is one my brother used to use with his huge Fleetwood Diesel monster—so the ground is level, well graveled and set up for water and power. My dad actually put a shed/toilet next to the pad. So at least I will be using the “indoor” facilities 99% of the time. My wife will not battle spiders at night.
We are excited. And I spend my days at home taking care of her 91 year old mother in law, and the last three years taking care of three 90+ aunts and uncles of my wife. After all of that, spending time with her, alone, is a gift from God that I am not going to squander.
Keep the ideas coming. And even the funny comments. I love them. And I am great at laughing at myself.
After owning an RV I dread hotels; my bed, kitchen, floor and bathroom are clean in my 5th wheel, at hotels it’s a game of chance.
Our first was a 24 ft. bumper pull. You guys will have so much fun!
one other thing I didn’t mention, if you plan on using a bath house then a small tote bag and cheap flip flops are handy to have. Oh and don’t forget the marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate bars (smores are yummy)
Always put a couple gallons of water in toilet after you dump the black water tank. This keeps the smell down. Also get dryer sheets and place them under wheel covers to help keep creepy crawlers out
Not a concern for you now, but it will be soon:
I’m in south Texas, so we don’t do winter, but you will need to winterize your RV when the time comes. I see some helpful FReepers have already provded links to quality RV sites, so when you get time, check out how to winterize you RV.