It wasn't a teacher, it was the state. It is a state law that a boy who calls himself a tranny, and they do not have to dress like a girl or be gay to declare themselves a tranny and mom and dad will never be told.
It's the girls who no longer have the right to say YUCK "I won't" (poop and shower with boys) who will be called up on hate crimes.
that is plain sick and to think these kind of people are being told by the radical left that it;s OK and that they;re normal.
Like what has been said on here because we have folks on this site which are not as ignorant as the idiots which keep saying they have no problem with homosexual marriage because gthey have a friend who is queer and they are nice.
Every argument what homosexuals use to justify their kind of sham marriage can be used for any kind of marriage.
Once marraige has been changed to suit one group then it can be changed for any kind of marriage