What govt. agency or “who” has the authority or ability to change/alter/destroy records like this years ago?
Nobody has the authority to change BC#’s. The only authority given in the statute is to create a new BC with a new BC# - not to steal a BC# from anybody else.
The HDOH has been lawless beyond what most people would believe. It was that lawlessness that made me realize I had to go public with what I was finding out, which is why I started my blog. It wasn’t just about Obama any more; it was a battle for the very rule of law. And since the day I started out my blog with that point we’ve all unfortunately seen the lawlessness expand into all areas of life, like a cancer that has almost totally taken over the body. The lawlessness I started out sounding crazy for talking about is by now an acknowledged reality among most conservatives and gradually even liberals like Oliver Stone are having to realize it as well.
It can’t go on like this much longer. We’ll be reaching critical mass soon.