I agree.
It’s all this “self-esteem” bullshit and the seeming fact that we’re not willing to call a spade a spade.
Responsible gun owners have to be willing to admit that there are some people who should never have guns.
At the same time, libs, etc. have to admit that there are some people, who even if they never committed a crime in their life, should NOT be allowed to walk the streets, no matter what dam meds people can dream up, or what nice little diagnosis the APA can come up with.
AFAIK, Aspergers has at it’s very center a basis of anti-social behavior.
We may not like it, but we are in no way protected or advanced by hiding from it.
...”We may not like it, but we are in no way protected or advanced by hiding from it”...
Exactly right!
Public schools are institutions run by administrators. They are raising our children and that is the truth. Children are only with their parents a few hours a day when they are tired and spent from school.
In addition, public schools have systematically stripped the American culture from the institutions and adopted a politically correct, authortarian insanity to govern “inferior” community of children and families. This action has been taken by “professionals” in education, government and entertainment throughout the society.
America has always had it’s maladjusted individuals. HOwever, we have never systematically targeted normal childen as deviant for their parent’s morals and discernment and boy for their normal male nature. We never targeted boys for shame because they are males.
White males are targeted with p.c. feminist doctrines that hates them and their nature. White males are targeted with drugs (and sexual grooming) to make them more like the nature of girls and homosexuals. Why would a subruban middle class community school have shrinks on staff? How many of the students were classifed as abnormal and put on drugs to reshape their behavior and personalities to fit liberal government overlords?
Those drugs were behind Columbine and I bet they are involved here, too. A lot of the young white men we see lost today, were put on these drugs which stunt normal personality and spiritual development or maturity. The drugs suppress emotion so a kid will act like a passive p.c. robot in the school factory. When they get out of the institutions they were raised in and shaped by, they are totally dysfunctional and labeled “personality disordered.”
No matter what other lessons people take out of this, learn that the public schools are twisted and that goes for white middle class school institutions too. We are abusive and insane to continue forcing children into the factory meat grinder at this point and there is no way to repair the damage done to those instituions and the teaching profession by cultural cleansers and p.c mindbots.
There is no reform that can rescue society from the p.c. public school mentality and practices. They are up-side-down and in-side-out; abnormal like Soviet society would produce. Marxists, who hate America’s Christian culture (”white-bread” social interaction, families, marriage, morals, ethics, art inspiration), America and Americans remade them in oppposite. The opposite is dead and evil. It is marxist doctrinaire; a back of upsidedown lies.