Is heterosexuality a disorder yet?
I prefer to call it the "needs a butt whoopin and sent to bed without supper'" disorder. I certainly don't think it's a new condition.
Psychiatry was hijacked by the Left decades ago and stopped being scientific in the 70s.
I respect the goals of psychiatry, I have family members in the field, but there’s a LOT of junk science and bogus policies that are implemented because of Political Correctness.
According to them....we’re all nuts. The goal is to get everyone on meds.
I’m sure Dilip isn’t responsible for his name, but it seems a fitting wind-up for what looks more and more like a conference of clowns.
I think there’s a thread somewhere in FReeperville regarding the Homosexual groups forcing homosexuality out of the old DSM-III back in the 70’s. It’s a good read. I might sound a lot like cap’n obvious but so many of these psychological descriptors are more political than medical, new age mumbo-jumbo. Forgive, if you know this, signed, an old “shrink”nurse.
Obama’s picture in on the page where narcissism is discussed.
Did the Obama Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour Syndrome make it? Oh wait... there it is ,, under new political ailments right next to TEA Party voter.
And they wonder why psychology isn't taken seriously ...
Can I be the first to claim adult DMDD? I think it's caused by following politics too closely.