Update International LMS-PP Luncheon Meat Slicer
Buy new: $14.99
Why get a cutter? Because I can never get the slices cut the same thickness and it ticks me off. With this little gadget, I can quickly make one pass of the cutter and there they are, all alike - plus, no cut fingers from a knife.
One time not long ago, at my Krogers, I saw Jalapeno Spam and didn't buy it then and later it was gone. I haven't looked in several weeks so I need to do that. All the Spam I have is regular and I want some of the other varieties.
Have any of you eaten the Jalapeno one and the Bacon one? If you have, what do you think of them?
I’ve had Tabasco Spam in Japan. Very tasty and cheap.
Bacon Spam! Yum! I bought a can at Big Lots to try it. Wanted more. They had no more. None at the regular supermarkets. Then I found it at the WalMart Superstore and stocked up!