It's unfortunate that, to a large degree, the fate of the nation is riding upon the shoulders of just one man, but it is.
Mitt Romney has been invested with a tremendous amount of good will and trust by a people who know that the choice we now make, will determine the immediate, and possibly long term course of the country.
He simply must not fail in the enormous task ahead.
His potential for success will hinge upon his ability (or lack thereof) to courageously face the evils that are destroying America, and to fight back. That is something that most Republican presidents have been loathe to do, but we've devolved beyond the point where the aims of the left are even in question.
After four years of Barack Obama, there can be no doubt about what the left's intentions are. They're a traitorous cancer upon the nation, and must be defeated at every level, and every turn. To do less, is to squander an historic opportunity to restore America, and will relegate our nation to complete failure.
Bingo! Let us pray.