Was Virginias number 011080 the last number assigned in 1961?
According to the National Center for Health Statistics there were 15578 births in Hawaii in 1961. Assuming the first certificate in January was 151 61 00001 and we add the monthly totals, than the last BC issued in July, 1961 is 151 61 09942. The first child in August would have number 151 61 09943 and the last child would have 151 61 11402.
Here are the BCs we know so far:
An nnn 09945 August 23rd, Accepted/Filed Aug. 24th
Nordyke, Susan 10637 August 5th, Accepted/Filed Aug. 11th
Nordyke, Gretchen 10638 August 5th, Accepted/Filed Aug. 11th
Obama, Barack 10641 August 4th, Accepted/Filed Aug. 8th
Waidelich, Stig 10920 August 5th/Accepted/Filed Aug. 8th
Sunahara, Virginia - 11080 - August 4th, Accepted/Filed Aug. 10th
So the known certifcate numbers fall within the projected range of cert numbers for August, 1961.
Zullo in the August interviews said that Vern Lee told him the certificates were collected on a monthly basis and than separated by geographic location and numbered.
Of the 6 BCs from August, 1961 all but Sunahara’s were issued at Kapiolani Hospital. Sunahara was born at Wahiawa General.
So was she in a different geographic group?
Also if you look at the 5 bcs from Kapiolani, they are in both numerical order and alphabetical (by last name) order.
So were the BCs collected each month, separated into geographic groups and alphabetized within those groups?
They can’t be in order by both date/time of occurrence AND by alpha order. Verna Lee has said they went in order of birth. Why would she say that if they actually went in alpha order?