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SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters
MotherJones ^
Posted on 09/17/2012 3:23:38 PM PDT by TigerClaws
During a private fundraiser earlier this year, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney told a small group of wealthy contributors what he truly thinks of all the voters who support President Barack Obama. He dismissed these Americans as freeloaders who pay no taxes, who don't assume responsibility for their lives, and who think government should take care of them. Fielding a question from a donor about how he could triumph in November, Romney replied:
There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what
These are people who pay no income tax.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
KEYWORDS: 47percent; enemedia; jamescarter; jecarter4; jimmycarter; motherjones; romneycampaign
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To: TigerClaws
Romney stated absolute truth to lies and anyone can prove that EVERYTHING that Romney said about obama supporters is true. Romney left out one important fact. ALL obama SUPPORTERS ARE evil!
posted on
09/17/2012 3:36:32 PM PDT
("if it looks like you are not gonna make it you gotta get mean, I mean plumb mad-dog mean" J. Wales)
To: TigerClaws
He forgot the crazy leftists and aging Marxists.
posted on
09/17/2012 3:38:26 PM PDT
(The first priority is get Obama out of the White House.)
To: TigerClaws
I guess the truth hurts...the left.
posted on
09/17/2012 3:39:39 PM PDT
To: TigerClaws
“He dismissed these Americans as freeloaders...”
OK, Mittens just gained a point. Didn’t think he had it in him.
posted on
09/17/2012 3:41:37 PM PDT
(Pick a side)
To: Emperor Palpatine
posted on
09/17/2012 3:43:21 PM PDT
(You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.)
To: SE Mom
I hope that they do... we start with ads featuring that woman in Orlando that said,” I ain't gotta worry ‘bout my house note or gas for my car. obama is going to take care of me”. The we run the riots in Atlanta when he spread his stash around. Cut to Chicago and the same rioting masses breaking down glass doors to get some free obama stash. I mean that we can destroy obama if he tries to use the truth against Romney.
posted on
09/17/2012 3:43:51 PM PDT
("if it looks like you are not gonna make it you gotta get mean, I mean plumb mad-dog mean" J. Wales)
To: swamprebel
Did they have the video or is this just hearsay?
posted on
09/17/2012 3:43:59 PM PDT
(Newt supporter here.)
To: El Cid
This sounds very much like the distorted version of reality Sean Hannity was peddling for most of a year ~ then it was pointed out to him that if he imagined he could elect more Republicans by promising to raise taxes on the poor he was NUTS.
He's calmed down lately.
He'd best get an increase on his thorazine dosage though ~
posted on
09/17/2012 3:44:17 PM PDT
To: TigerClaws
SECRET?....this was shown already....Mother Jones...out of material.....rewind news.
I hate to admit it, but the more I see of Romney, the more I like him.
To: TigerClaws
Sounds exactly right to me.
To: Emperor Palpatine
The story doesn’t start with Mitt ~ and Mother Jones’ reporters have no idea what it’s about anyway. Besides, since the days of the Sumerians it has been well known that NO ONE gets out without paying taxes.
posted on
09/17/2012 3:46:52 PM PDT
To: TigerClaws
Romney is correct. He is describing those who “bitterly cling to their couch cushions and welfare checks.”
posted on
09/17/2012 3:47:10 PM PDT
(As Obama sowed in the Arab Spring, so he is reaping in the Arab Fall.)
To: TigerClaws
Wonder when Mother Jones is going to obtain the Rashid Khalidi tape of Barry toasting (the tape that the LA Times wouldn’t release)?
posted on
09/17/2012 3:47:10 PM PDT
(First they came for my tagline)
To: linn37
they posted a graphic with the quote of Romney saying these people are victims, and Diane Sawyer concluding this video “will be explosive in the next 24 hrs”.
posted on
09/17/2012 3:47:55 PM PDT
(a Constitution once changed from Freedom, can never be restored.)
To: linn37
A video with a clearly audible voice. Chuck Todd is OH! so dismayed. Compares it to Obama’s statement 4 years ago “clinging to guns and religion”.
To: Proud2BeRight
The factoids don't stand up well to scrutiny and are well understood to be inapplicable to life on planet Earth anyway.
Maybe somewhere else in the universe they don't pay taxes, but this isn't that place.
People who believe this are not well educated I am sure.
posted on
09/17/2012 3:48:46 PM PDT
To: swamprebel
"ABC evening news is reporting this story now. "
Good, this is information that needs to get out there. I personally think Mitt planted this info.
posted on
09/17/2012 3:49:21 PM PDT
To: linn37
The video is over in the link page.
posted on
09/17/2012 3:50:06 PM PDT
(...please make it stop. Shake a can of pennies at it.)
To: rollo tomasi
Right? I’m happy to hear these remarks. Just saw NBC making a stink about it.
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