I often use the “Space Aliens committed 911” against truthers to try and out-kook them. Blaming things on Space Aliens is a convenient way of not having to explain a lack of evidence.
The "Pepp Aeroshell," shown here at the White Sands Missile Range park, was used to test the parachute that NASA planned to use to "soft land" the Viking spacecraft on Mars.
It and its predecessor test craft probably explain about 99% of the "flying saucer" sightings in the western U.S. in the 1950s and 1960s.
I think we spend enough money on stupid stuff already!
Henceforth, I will have a hard time believing these sightings are anything other than drones from some government somewhere. I don’t know how long ago the black ops around the world produced the first drones but I am quite sure it was long before I heard of them.
I would rather funnel the money used to fight global warming to UFO studies. If we find intelligent life they can help us fix the problem. If we don’t find intelligent life it would be money better spent.
I am continuously surprised that people have failed to make the obvious connection between UFO’s and Bigfoot.
Apparently these things - whatever they are - tend to hover over nuclear silos.
One is reminded of the activities of Chekhov and Uhura in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, crouched in concealment catching photons from the reactor of the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise in order to restore the drive system of their captured Klingon bird of prey...
Yes, sorry - Trekkie here.