This blanket statement is so misleading! This is true only as an aspect centering around the "religion." However, all of us sin, but that does not prevent us from accepting Jesus as Lord and becoming Christian. Just because you are Christian does not mean you will not still sin.
When I see this blanket statement you made I feel as though it needs clarification.
If you are pro-homosexual a "good" Christian you might not be, ignorance may come into play, but a Christ One you will always remain no matter how convoluted your thoughts.
You MISS my point. Christians have to recognize such degrading, debasing acts as being “sins”. If you rationalize such debasement as “Good”—you can never be a “Christian”. You are a Satanist—a nihilist—or whatever—never a Christian. Your ideology is devoid of reason. Christianity is a reasoned religion—always has been since before St. Augustine.
Natural Law—not just religion-—recognizes the teleological aspect of human beings -and this Common Sense even allows children as young as five to “know” how disordered playing with fecal material is and misusing the organs and body for debasing reasons....unless the child is emotionally/and/or physically abused.
All “Sinners” know in their hearts when they sin. That internal “Truth” in the soul is there in childhood and I repeat-—if homosexuals think that sodomy is “good”, they have no Christian beliefs. They are Satanists.