1/ No Birth date verified
2/ Its an e-mailed computer file, legally ambiguous at the very best. If true legal contact had been established the SOS should have FedEx'ed a notarized letter and and Hawaii should have replied with a physical verification letter by return courier.
3/ “Date Accepted” terminology, as opposed to “Date Filed”
4/ The verification is of the “information” contained in the SOS’s Obama file attachment. Hawaii does not verify that 151 61 10641 actually is a certificate of Live birth. Only that it is a vital record or birth certificate.
If the Registrar had a legit Certificate of Live Birth he would have verified it with an exact phrase that states EXACTLY what is being verified.
This is all just a game to come up with language that “sounds great” to a lay person but in precise legal terms does not hold water. It contains wiggle room for Onaka to escape.
Age of Father....
27 was the real age or at least that age that matches his INS records and he filled out in late August of 1961.
That’s pretty bizarre. Why would the verification say the time of birth, but not the date of birth?
So the verification was 'certified' by a clerk, not the State Registrar. Would think that is acceptable practice for such an important document?
They are indirectly showing the public what to scrutinize.