The pundits and those in the know will proclaim it his epitaph.
That remark alone made this worth the read.
As Rush said today, “Obama has finished evolving.”
And I’ll bet Romney still picks up half the gay vote.
The media thinks its a master stroke.. others think its master baiting..
Only the leg ticklers will accept this..
Hollywood/Mainstream Media:
“ALL HAIL THE QUEER MESSIAH!(or the IRS will visit you)
Drop to your knees before the LORD OBAMA, and prepare to accept THE HOLY LOAD!”
Oh thank The Heavens that the USA has finally done the single most important thing that will save our economy and propel us back into the leadership role in the world..
Gay Marriage !
All our problems are solved now because men can marry men and women can marry women.
There is no other pressing issue!
$16Trillion in debt? Let guys pork other guys! IN LEGAL WEDLOCK!
That’s the ticket
We are SAVED!
When President Obama says, “I think same sex couples should be able to get married”, he displays a willfully fabricated ignorance of our Constitution. By ignoring the essence of marriage as a spiritual concept, and not a civil institution, he negates the Bill of Rights prohibition of government attacking religious freedom.
Classical Semitic theology emphasizes searching for and relating to an infinite God. Genesis tells of God responding by creating heterosexual marriage as the earthy manifestation of the absolute unity and love He seeks with each person. The Old Testament continuously addresses this subject by identifying God as masculine, and allowing humans to become feminine in relation to Him. The concept finds further emphasis in the New Testament where the church becomes the Bride of Christ
For tens of millions of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim believers their First Amendment rights decay as Obama redefines marriage. For these believers homosexual behavior resides among the myriad sins entrapping humanity; humanity living in a fallen world with a fallen nature. For them any subsequent theological reasoning must derive from the understanding homosexual relationships separate believers from God.
For Obama these people lack Constitutional protection and are guilty of at least cultural prejudice.