The stakes are so high. Seems like a choice between liberty or slavery. Has it really come down to this?
If 0bama is reelected, we could see the downfall of the U.S.A as a super power. If 0bama is not reelected in a close race, we could see violence in the streets.
Tough choices. Choices have consequences. I chose to prepare as best I can for all contingencies.
Explain why not a peep about these latest EO’s from any elected Republican?
Good idea ............................................... FRegards
Agree. BLOAT’n weekly more to the stash.
Major concern is low turnout in November. NOT much inspiration in the two running, and the efforts of the Left seem to me to be in the discouragement of the voters mode, therefore am concerned there might not be enough turnout of the Right to overwhelm the Leftist fraud, thus not enough to vote the necessary downticket needed to turn the Congress sufficiently our way.
WE have to focus on getting the discouraged out for the downticket vote.