No mention of course that it is liberal communist culture which is the real problem of gang violence of cities.
AK47 is for pray and spray. Hope ain’t a tactic.
.308 and spray.338 are better Long Distance Cordless Drills....
“Current”? Is that Algore’s all-gay-all-the-time network? Or am I getting it mixed up with the other one?
They probably consider the M-1 Garand to be an assault weapon.
Current TV may be dropped by major cable distributor for low ratings.
Currant TV doing a hit piece on guns? Who cares. Your thread has already had more posts than they had viewers today.
Looks like I see a Marlin 336 in my immediate future!
I have a semi-auto Romanian WASR, which is an AK-47 variant. Granted, its not an MOA weapon, nor will it group as well as my Chinese Type 56 (SKS). It WILL, however, consistently shoot minute of bad guy at 200 yards. Hitting a softball sized target at 100 yards is no problem, nor would be hitting a Taliban member at combat ranges. She does significantly better than spray and pray. Im a dedicated lever gun guy, but the AK platform is OK.