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To: opentalk; Mr. Silverback; cripplecreek; NoLibZone; Lucky9teen; Pete; bicyclerepair; apillar; ...

1) For ARIZONANS (and others):
I’d like to direct your attention to DLfromthedesert’s post 74 of this action thread. DLFTD has posted a letter from state representative Terri Proud regarding “Let’s Talk Green.”

In it Terri discusses the UN Rio declaration and the need to protect ourselves from the UN. She recaps the history/purpose of the Declaration and the Arizona SB1507 which has been written to be proactively protective.

She asks for Arizonans to contact their House leaders and to support this bill. Links are provided.

I’m not sure, but following the letter, it appears DLFTD may have sought to provide links to some information regarding the Declaration. He/She does provide debunking of certain myths regarding the Arizona proposed legislation.

2) RIO + 20:
Participant wheresmyusa has posted the following 2 threads:

a) “Rio+20: Earth talks ‘in need of vision and direction.’”

b) “Ban Ki-moon calls for Rio+20 to replace GCP with sustainable development index”

“Senate Joins House in Condemning UN’s ‘Agenda 21’ (TN)”
“The Tennessee Senate added its voice to the state House in condemning the United Nations’ ‘Agenda 21’ on Tuesday. The program is an environmental initiative meant to encourage sustainable development. A majority of Tennessee lawmakers now describe it as destructive...”

CONGRATS TENNESSEE!! Keep turning the crank!

4)NATIONAL PARKS - Check out this thread posted by opentalk regarding our National Parks:
“54 National Park Areas Jeopardized Under Bogus “National Security” Bill Advancing in U.S. House”

See particularly Whenifhow’s post 9 of this national parks thread for additional research.

Please look at the post 82 of this action thread for research brought to us by Whenifhow.


Thank you TEXAS!! (We have always known the heart tie between Tennessee and Texas - shades of Davy Crockett as we face our own Alamo - and hopefully with better result!)

6) More from ARIZONA from wheresmyusa:
“Agenda 21: Arizona close to passing anti-UN-sustainability bill”

7) HISTORICAL For-the-record Document from Oct 2011 found and posted by wheresmyusa:
“Vanity(?): Funding the Green New Deal: Building a Green Financial System” It is written as a guide for the EU, using the financial crises as an excuse to shift to a new green economy.

Thread Link:

Article Link:

8)More from FLORIDA:
“Approval of office building for downtown Palm Harbor sets off a furor (Agenda 21 backlash)”
by Anne Lindberg from Tampa Bay Times

...”Last year, the company wanted to substitute office space for the residential area on the third floor. That was not permitted by the 2001 Historic Palm Harbor Master Plan. County staff members recommended amending the master plan to include transferable development rights, or TDRs.”

“A TDR allows an owner to adjust the development density allowed on his property. For example, if the owner has two parcels and each allows 100 units, but the owner wants to build a project with 150 units, he can take 50 units from one piece and add it to the 100 on the other. The remaining parcel would then be limited to 50 units, so that the overall density of the area remains the same even though it changed on one parcel.”

“But some Palm Harbor residents and business owners argued that the TDR would deprive them of private property rights, limit growth and increase parking problems in the area. Some claimed the TDR was unconstitutional. Others said it, and historic district rules, were a product of Agenda 21, an action plan related to sustainable development created by the United Nations...”

Florida folks, you are redeeming yourselves from the wags who have called your state ‘Floriduh.’ Many thanks for standing up to the UN!
Thanks to all who have pinged us to these articles!


85 posted on 04/29/2012 5:46:12 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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Thanks for the ping!

87 posted on 04/29/2012 8:47:58 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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Thought you might like to see what is happening here in Western Washington. This is a long running battle. The defendant was charged with making a semi-auto into a full on auto. The defendant won his trial...4 times...Marcus Carter isn’t an attorney! The prosecutor has changed tactics. The gun charge has been re-filed for the 5th time, this time a change of venue to the most liberal county in Washington, King County home of Seattle. The prosecutor also expanded his persecution by attacking Mr. Carter’s place of employment, Kitsap Rifle and Revolver Club, established 1926.

Take a look see at this video!

88 posted on 04/30/2012 11:24:32 AM PDT by bigfootbob
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Beware of Public Private partnerships (Agenda 21)
This is a great website to check periodically - news articles from around the country are posted each day.

Privatization Watch

This is just one example.

Federal program subsidizes toll roads
TIFIA, which stands for Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act, is administered by the Federal Highway Administration. The scope is to provide credit assistance in the form of direct loans to states and agencies to complete significant transportation projects. An overview report released this month shows that more TIFIA projects of late involve tolling as the preferred source for repayment of the loans…Truckers who pay the tolls worry about where their money goes, especially when a percentage of the toll revenue is set aside to guarantee profit for the project investors….TIFIA has become a buzzword in DC of late as lawmakers discuss ways to speed up project delivery and cut red tape. Congress is considering a provision in its surface transportation authorization bill to provide more seed money for the TIFIA program.

Land Line

91 posted on 05/03/2012 5:53:40 AM PDT by Whenifhow
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To: Mr. Silverback; cripplecreek; NoLibZone; Lucky9teen; Pete; bicyclerepair; apillar; weeder; ...

Following is some information which I have stumped my own toe over! There are other pieces of info which participants have alerted me to. Some are already on the thread, but they and others I plan to summarize in another post.

Perpetual thanks for all who work in any way shape or form on this issue, great or small!

1) ARIZONA - and all - re SHERIFF JOE!:
I heard today on the radio that he is under continuing attack by the Feds. He has been sued (again?)by them today

For Arizonans and others who wish to support his stand for us against the Feds, here are some contact numbers:

Defense Fund:
I STRONGLY recommend that you verify this before sending any money! I heard from a friend that someone out of state who tried to use info from one of his websites online was incorrect. Friend called the number of the Sheriff’s office and learned the number on the defense website was incorrect. This was a few weeks, ago, so again, THIS INFORMATION SHOULD BEST BE VERIFIED!

From one of his press releases:
100 West Washington, Suite 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85003
Phone: (602) 876-1801 Fax: (602) 258-2081
Media Contact: MediaRequest@MCSO.Maricopa.Gov

The Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Office, home page:

2) More on Sheriffs standing against the Feds. This applies particularly to NEW MEXICO, INDIANA, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, OREGON, MISSISSIPPI. The Mississippi Sheriff is also target of a federal law suit.
Contact Info:


Sheriffs Standing with the People against the Feds

Wednesday, 04 January 2012 23:22 Written by Larry Pratt

I have reported earlier that sheriffs in NEW MEXICO are threatening to arrest federal agents if they attempt to enforce unconstitutional federal acts in contravention of state law.

The even better news is that sheriffs in other states are doing the same. Sheriff Brad Rogers of ELKHART COUNTY, INDIANA has told Food and Drug Administration agents they will be arrested if they go on Amish farmer David Hochstetler’s land. Having falsely alleged that raw, unpasteurized milk sold by Hochstetler had caused several cases of food poisoning, the FDA filed a complaint in federal court to support their attack on the farmer.

I have consumed raw milk for years and can affirm that it is not only safe, but much healthier than pasteurized milk.

The threat of incarceration led the feds to withdraw their complaint against Hochstetler. This was even after US Department of Justice attorney Ross Goldstein emailed the Sheriff that he would be arrested if he protected Hochstetler. When Sheriff Rogers refused to back down, the FDA cried uncle.

Rogers’s communication to the feds seemed to have been quite convincing: “Any further attempts to inspect this farm without a warrant signed by a local judge, based on probable cause, will result in Federal inspectors’ removal or arrest for trespassing by my officers or I.” The feds have gotten used to acting without due process — in this case, that means not bothering to get a search warrant.

Rogers’ campaign website listed his number one objective as “Upholding the Constitution.” He is also concerned about the heart condition of his inmates and is determined to help “Provide Hope to Change a Heart.” Under that header he says, “The Elkhart County jail has 74 church services a month and allows unprecedented access to ministry volunteers. Not only can we impact inmates for the here and now, but for eternity.”

Sheriff Rogers requires his deputies to take three, two-day classes on the Constitution (at a tuition rate of $125 per person).

Rogers is not alone in his love for the Constitution. Ellis County, Texas Sheriff Johnny Brown has stated that he would resist any effort by the federal government to confiscate firearms in his county.

Sheriff Joe Baca in SIERRA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA told his county commission that he will not enforce road closures on Bureau of Land Management and Gila National Forest Lands.

Sheriff Gil Gilbertson of JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON has told the Forest Service that he will protect those using the forest in his county. He has written a short treatise entitled, “Unraveling Federal Jurisdiction within a State.” It is actually a scholarly piece based on citations from the Constitution, court cases and statutes and concludes that the Forest Service has no authority in any county.

SISKIYOU COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Sheriff Jon Lopey has said: “I have told federal and state officials over and over that, yes, we want to preserve the environment, but you care more about the fish, frogs, trees and birds than you do about the human race. When will you start to balance your decisions to the needs of the people?...We are right now in a fight for our survival.” Lopey spearheaded a coalition of eight sheriffs calling themselves: “Defend Rural America.”

In the days after Hurricane Katrina, power was out for days. Food and medicine were about to be lost. So Sheriff Billy McGee of FORREST COUNTY, MISSIPPI — a Democrat — took action when he realized that a federal shipment of six trucks of ice bound for Hattiesburg turned out to be only four. McGee went in search of the other two and found them being guarded by some Army reservists who possessed bureaucratic mindsets.

McGee took steps to secure the ice, but was told he was not authorized to take the vehicles. When a reservist would not get off one of the trucks, McGee had him handcuffed. The ice was delivered where it was needed in Hattiesburg, explaining why McGee is also known as The Ice Man.

Not surprisingly, the feds have brought suit against the Sheriff in federal court. Perhaps McGee will arrest any marshals seeking to interfere with the duties of a peace officer.

It is encouraging that men of integrity, who understand that the sheriff is the top law enforcement officer in his county, have been elected in counties around the country. We should be looking for more who fit this description.

Please let me know if you are aware of any constitutional sheriffs, and use the contact button on the website to send me their names and stories.

3) From the same issue of “The Gunowners:

“You might also go to the online GOA bookstore and get Sheriff Richard Mack’s treatise on the power of the county sheriffs. You can get “The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope” at:

92 posted on 05/09/2012 6:09:37 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: SeekAndFind; bigfootbob; JohnKinAK; No One Special; Mr. Silverback; cripplecreek; NoLibZone; ...

1) From ARIZONA:
See link at post 83 of this Agenda 21 Action Thread for Arizona being close to passing anti-UN-sustainability bill:

US NEW/MSLSD by Jim Gold

“Arizona lawmakers appear close to sending to Gov. Jan Brewer a tea party-backed bill that proponents say would stop a United Nations takeover conspiracy but that critics claim could end state and cities’ pollution-fighting efforts and even dismantle the state unemployment office.

A final legislative vote is expected Monday on a bill that would outlaw government support of any of the 27 principles contained in the 1992 United Nations Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, also sometimes referred to as Agenda 21...”

Text of the Senate Bill 1507:

I did a quick non-exhaustive search, but did not find where they had passed it yet (as of 5/15/12). Those who follow this, please update us when you hear what becomes of it!

I would bring to your attention the links and comments of Whenifhow in post 84 of this Ag21 Action Thread

“SOUTH CAROLINA Prepares for United Nations Takeover”

“TENNESSEE Senate GOP Call for Rejection of UN Agenda”

3)From OREGON and others who want to see what is happening to usurp freedom at the county level in Oregon:

“Clackamas County to Ditch ICLEI Membership While Portland Spends and Spends” from by Roxanne Ross

4)Concerning GLOBAL WARMING:
“New Source of climate warming: WIND FARMS” from Reuters by Ed Morrissey:

“Large wind farms might have a warming effect on the local climate, research in the United States showed on Sunday, casting a shadow over the long-term sustainability of wind power. …”

5) From western WASHINGTON STATE:
Video by David Griffin from

County govt is asking for a complete list of the members of the gun range along with other troubling questions in a law suit discovery.

They are also painting law abiding citizens with destructive groups and have figured out ways to declare Constitutionalists “You Are Unlawful.”

The clip is 10 minutes and quite well done. EVERYONE SHOULD CONSIDER VIEWING THIS.

6)CALIFORNIA — Professor of Physics calls for “HUMAN DIE-OFF in name of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”

Roger Dittman,emeritus professor of physics at California State University and American representative to the UN, Calls for human die-off in the name of sustainable development.
The source document for the thread is a slide show clip in which you advance the slides by clicking with the mouse. They appear to be lecture/presentation notes for telling people why sustainability is such a good idea:


“New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union And A One World Economic System” from The American Dream by Michael Snyder May 2, 2012

“Since he was elected, Obama has signed a whole host of new international economic agreements. He regularly speaks of the need for “cooperation” among global religions and he has hosted a wide variety of different religious celebrations at the White House. Obama once stated that “all nations must come together to build a stronger global regime”. If you do not want to live in a “global regime” that is just too bad. To globalists such as Obama, it is inevitable that the United States of America will be merged into the emerging global system.Just this week, Obama has issued a new executive order that seeks to “harmonize” U.S. economic regulations with the rest of the world. This new executive order is yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system. Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening....” SNIP

8) CANADA/Maurice Strong from The Ottawa Citizen
“Maurice Strong meets our editorial board (Video)

Discussion of the Rio Plus -20 Brazil gathering. Clip is about an hour.

See Whenifhow’s links at post 91 above, on this A21AT.

Whenifhow brings especially to our attention the issue surrounding toll roads and Federal subsidies. But there are others at the link!

Whenifhow also brings us a story about the toll road/Fed subsidy issue.

“Wind farm scam a huge cover-up [Australia]”

96 posted on 05/15/2012 7:45:19 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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