Liberals are damaged people, we can not enlighten them. It is the people who don’t vote, they are the ones we must inspire.
Damaged people I can have compassion for, I do not believe liberals are damaged, they are and choose to be ignorant. They do what they think feels good.
There is no excuse in this day of Internet on our cell phones to be ignorant but our society is ignorant. The left wants to keep it that way, the MSM wants to keep us ignorant so they can make our decisions for us.
There may indeed be a time when Jefferson's words about a little revolution now and then being good for a republic to be proven. It will be very messy, the winners will be heroes and the losers will lose all they have including their lives. I'm and old man so I don't have much to lose.
It could be so much cleaner though if we would all educate our neighbors, take them to TEA Party events, help educate them about the candidates. We need to make sure those of our own family are not ignorant. I have one daughter who could no longer stand the indoctrination her children received in school and took them out to home school. It's a big commitment but that is the sort of thing we must be willing to do. Education is the key, the truth will set you free.
Government always seek more power, always think they know what is best. The reality is that the government is the most short sighted and ill informed of any group. Government is best when it is small.
We have let all this happen. Why do we need someone in Washington to tell us what to eat? Why do we need someone in Washington to tell us not to smoke? Why do we need someone in Washington to tell us how much gas mileage our car should get. Why do I need someone in Washington to tell me not to pollute the air that I breathe.
My mother and father taught me all those things. If the government didn't subsidize little girls having babies they wouldn't and then all kids would have mothers AND fathers who would tell them the truths of life.
In my opinion, the federal government shouldn't be doing much more than keeping the standing military and putting up a few monuments to great people. If people want libraries and museums, free condoms and free lunch let them move to Europe. Our government is way too big. /p