Levin is a tower of jelly. A major league phony.
It is supposed to be a government by the PEOPLE so it is not up to the talk show hosts to tell us anything, it is not up to the politicians to tell us anything, it is up to us to go vote using a little common sense rather than voting for every thing that sounds good or makes us seem like a gooood citizen.
Not being argumentative just saying that we the people only have our selves to blame because we have had some chances to straighten some of this out but every time some one runs for public office with the agenda of stopping some of this socialism crap they are dubed anarchist by the socialist left, and the conservatives fall for it hook, line and sinker.
The Constitution gives us only two ways to remove a president from office. 1). Vote hime out and 2). Impeachment. Fox news and radio talk show hosts aren’t mentioned.
You can try to pressure your representative and/or you can work like hell to get him voted out.