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To: Retired Greyhound
As an employer, I can tell you that there are risks to hiring overqualified people.

BS. A more educated person needs probably LESS time for training. Offer them the job at the salary specified. If they take it then you have a better employee that is more productive.

Your small minded thinking hides the fact if you were to get a bright educated person they can probably do your loser job better than you. It's a threat, the law of the jungle, I get it.

Actually, I think the practice as you describe should be illegal.

62 posted on 02/14/2012 10:59:34 AM PST by central_va ( I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.)
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To: central_va
Actually, I think the practice as you describe should be illegal.

Do you mean the practice of hiring the person that I think we be of most value to me? You would like to make that illegal?

I think you are in the wrong place. DU is down the hall, buddy.

68 posted on 02/14/2012 11:19:17 AM PST by Retired Greyhound (.)
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To: central_va

Your missing the point: the overqualified tend to leave ASAP.

Training people does take time & money, even if shortened by talent & education. Say training time is cut by 50% by hiring the overqualified, and productivity is greater than usual; 6 months later he finds a more suitable occupation & salary, leaves on a moment’s notice (the conventional 2 weeks would cost him hundreds of $$$), you’ve got nobody doing the job now, and hiring the next warm body takes an optimistic 100% of the usual training time - now you’ve spent half-again longer training someone (50+100%), suffered extra downtime, and otherwise went thru a whole lot more hassle than if you’d hired the just-qualified in the first place.

75 posted on 02/14/2012 11:48:21 AM PST by ctdonath2 ($1 meals:
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To: central_va

If the person is overqualified for the job then they’re probably also overqualified for the salary. So they might take the job because they need it, but they won’t stop looking for other employment. So yeah they might be totally awesome for the time you have them, but that time is going to be short, and then you’re right back in the boat you were in. Smart hirers are looking for employees that will be around a while, years. If you hire the overqualified you’ll get months, meanwhile that less qualified but still good guy that would have spent the next decade with you got hired by your competitor where he’ll be working against you for the next decade.

When I was young I thought like you, didn’t believe in the concept of overqualified. Then I moved up to the point in life where you get to hire people. That’s when I learned the truth. Overqualified candidates are real, and they really shouldn’t be hired.

76 posted on 02/14/2012 11:49:46 AM PST by discostu (How Will I Laugh Tomorrow When I Can't Even Smile Today)
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