I answered that in my upthread posts. Too much of a diluted field. 7 people running each with individual characteristics. Some voters like this, others like that. I wanted Palin but that didn't transpire. Romney, never. Newt, baggage, Santorum, OK but not a sparky. Paul, YGBKM. etc, etc. Cain came along and I liked what I say. But then...
So I decided I'd hold my water until something changed the game (which I knew would be winnowing the field). Now Gingrich is soaring, he has the cojones, the fire and the will. 'Nuff said.
I expect Team Obama to play every negative card in the deck. They, along with the MSM, will go for the jugular. That's why we need someone to take them on. And if you think Gingrich will be "A potential nominee who is frequently erratic and inconsistent and apologizing for past errors, many of those past errors being only a few months old", I think you're vastly mistaken. Sure, he has a lot of issues, but they've been out there for years.
I've now made my decision. Of what's left, he's the only "MAN" standing.