For us to refuse to vote for whomever the GOP candidate is to contribute to Bam’s reelection.
I feel the same way as you do that Mittens isn’t the one we want to win the nomination.
But if we stay home, we are shooting ourselves in the foot.
Rather than make excuses for Myth Romney, how about you tell readers who you support?
(unless perhaps it’s Myth Romney?)
Just saying.
There is no choice WHATSOEVER when the choices are Obama or Obama-lite.
If we nominate Obama-lite Willard, we’ve already lost our conservatism principles. Period.
A vote for Willard or Obama is a vote for $50 abortions, INTRUSIVE mandates, big goverment exchanges, death panels, and massive government subsidies for healthcare. Oh, and did I mention that RomneyCare contains the public option which even Obama said was going tooooooo far WHICH makes Romney even worse than Obama aka the worse president in our lifetime. Ok, tied with Jimmy Carter.
A vote for either Obama or Obama II (Willard FLOPNEY) guarantees liberal, planned parenthood endorsed judges which were far and away Gov Willard’s favorite judges to appoint in Massachusetts during his lone fours years.
A vote for Willard means monstrous (to use Perry’s fav word) business tax increases and government fees going through the ceiling. And Mr. 47th out of 50 states in jobs growth as governor. He would have been WORSE but Katrina hurt the gulf states in job creation obviously.
Yeah, who needs jobs? Romney made a career in sending them to China. Go Bain Capitol! Woo hoo!
And nominating Willard keeps our pathetic mushy moderate presidential losing streak alive - Ford, Bush Sr, Dole, McCain, Romney - ALL losers, therefore the candidates Dems love us to run against them.
Maybe if you're in a "battleground" state but, at this rate, Obama could well build on his 2008 victory.