Gosh, it’s been too long since we’ve had a PBFT (public breast feeding thread).
I’m amazed at the number of freepers who equate pooping with eating (I’ve heard they’re both natural functions, so I guess it’s easy for some to confuse them).
And then the group of freepers who confuse breast feeding and stripping. Or breast feeding and exhibitionism.
You learn a lot about people on these threads. Some folks are really concerned about a baby at the breast in public. I’m not. It’s just a baby getting fed.
Nah, it’s simple respect for someone else.
Not everyone wants to see women changing diapers, nor does everyone want to see women walking around with their shirt unbuttoned to their waiste, both boobs flopping with a baby attached to one (yeah, I’ve seen this - at Target, in fact).
Every woman I know, who has breastfed (including my daughters) do so discreetly, with a blanket over their shoulder, discreetly and privately. They show the same level of discretion when they change the diapers. Whether it’s in the trunk of a car, in the women’s restroom, or in a park. Privately and discreetly.
There are no laws against breastfeeding, nor should there be. So, why the “Protest”? So a group of women can get some public ‘attention’ and proclaim that they have a right to do ‘publically’ what women have been doing privately since the dawn of civilization. It’s really nothing than a form of exhibition - as in “deriving a sexual thrill from the public exposure of body parts traditionally reserved for private and intimate moments”.