Thanks, bert. I really appreciate your observations. There is so much in the way of punditry online with genuine information dotting the www landscape here and there, that finding out real facts can be exhausting.
I like Ann Barnhardt and believe she has integrity. To close down her business, warn her clients AND tell everyone what she herself is doing in her personal life to deal with the present situation, demonstrates true Christian values. She could have just walked away and said nothing.
For folks like my family, who have little wealth and are divested of all paper investments save life insurance, what is coming in the next 18 months may of may not impact us severely. But I like being informed so I can at least be somewhat prepared.
-——she has integrity. To close down her business,——
That is a very difficult course to follow. She does what few including me could do.
I believe that the MF use of customer funds resulted from running out of cash. The practice occurred in dribbles at first but once the practice began became the course to follow. The objective became save the company. Save the company at all costs.