This might be good if it makes it...
moose sister cheese pancake stuned beebers and series and all that stuff...
General Chat!!!
It’s a better idea to find the original thread, and thank the poster there. You have no way of knowing if this will be seen.
This definately hugh and series!
It also gets used to blow the crap out of my hairbrush, room air filter, whole house A/C filter, and handvac.
I just got out of the shower...what did I miss?
I actually saw that thread. I’ve been using the hair dryer, seems to be working, but I just started using one the multi-blade razors. So I wasn’t really familiar with how long they last without the drying step. I looked online and found several other sites that recommend it, and what the hell it only takes 10 seconds or so.
I tried it and now the razor is dry and dirty, must be doing something wrong.
Drying the razors prevents rust which is the actual enemy here. You can do the same thing by storing your razor, blade down, in a small glass of alcohol between uses.
What a waste of electricity! And also global warming and a waste of our precious resources! Why are you even shaving? Don’t you know the world is coming to an end? algore is going to hunt you down like a dog! GL
I like to inhale helium and sing “Lust for Life,” followed by “Unchained Melody.”
It’s great fun.