If the SHTF, a few of us in the gardening group could colonize and live very good lives with all of the talents that we possess.
I am brewing a Belgian Trappist Ale right now, how can I go wrong with a beer brewed by Monks for hundreds of years?
Mead is also called honeywine and is very easy to make. Just use some good spring water, honey and yeast. Mead can take some time to develop and age properly. It can ferment out to a good high alcohol content 7-21 percent, like a wine. It can take 4 to 12 months before it is ready. Some brewers let it age for years. I talked to a guy on a beer/wine forum, he made 5 gallons of a cherry infused mead when his son was born a few years ago and plans to open the first bottles and taste one or two with him on his 21st birthday. Now that is some dedicated planing and wait time!
The type of yeast you use is not that important in making a mead. You can even use Fleischmann’s yeast, (same stuff you use for bread making). But most serious mead brewers use yeasts specifically used in wine or champagne making. The yeasts impart flavor and the bread yeast may not be a flavor you want in a Mead.
Yeah I know - more than you wanted to know!